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The lost treasure

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The lost treasure

This time it's the map itself, which is the trigger not our peg-legged boy.

触发: The treasure-map
要点: Seek out the quest-related treasure
奖励: unknown treasure

(This is what he would say regarding the Chamber of Bone within the Retail-Version. Does fit quite well, right?! )
Hmmm. A vast and mysterious treasure you say. Mmmm. Maybe I could be interested in picking up a few things from you. Or better yet, don't you need some rare and expensive supplies to get you through this ordeal?
Maintain your quest. Finding a treasure that is lost is not easy. Finding a treasure that is hidden less so. I will leave you with this. Do not let the sands of time confuse your search.
(Same as Odgen)
There was a time when this town was a frequent stop for travelers from far and wide. Much has changed since then. But hidden caves and buried treasure are common fantasies of any child. Wirt seldom indulges in youthful games. So it may just be his imagination.
(in the Retail-Version he would say that if you're showing him the Map of the Stars)
Listen here. Come close. I don't know if you know what I know, but you've have really got something here. That's a map.
A what?! This is foolishness. There's no treasure buried here in Tristram. Let me see that!! Ah, Look these drawings are inaccurate. They don't match our town at all. I'd keep my mind on what lies below the cathedral and not what lies below our topsoil.
(the one, who's saying something, which doesn't match anymore, since Wirt wasn't telling you something about the map like in the Retail-Version.)
I'll bet that Wirt saw you coming and put on an act just so he could laugh at you later when you were running around the town with your nose in the dirt. I'd ignore it.
I really don't have time to discuss some map you are looking for. I have many sick people that require my help and yours as well.
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